How to Cabbage, smart fish meatballs (3 bites of smart fish, 1 kg of kale)


Hello all my beloved visitors, I am Cooking would love to show you about my technique cooking in my Country, Cambodia. if all of you want to see more new technique cooking food please Share on my Website, comment, LIKE and you can request me to cook some food that like in the comment below.

Welcome Khmer Housewife This is a Khmer fanatic in this Website, I want to show you a delicious Khmer dishes! Get away from foreign cuisine and know how to combine ingredients, how to mix things and how to do it. 

Meatball Ingredients:

1- 3 bites of smart fish

2- 1 teaspoon sugar

3- 1 teaspoon of salt

4- 1 teaspoon pepper

5- Bicheng 2 teaspoons

6- 2 tablespoons water

៙ Soup Ingredients:

7- 1 kg of kale (moderately long)

8- 1 teaspoon of salt

9-Bicheng 1 teaspoon

10- 2 teaspoons of sugar

11-6 garlic leaves (long enough)

12-1 liter and a half of water or chicken soup

៙ How to make meatballs:

1. Mix sugar, salt, bicheng, pepper and water with the fish meat and press until the fish meat and meat mixture will dry well.

៙ How to do:

1. Boil water and take a teaspoon, soak it in hot water, then press the meatballs one by one into the soup. Finished (left for about 3 minutes).

2-Then add salt, sugar, bicheng and cabbage and stir to boil, add garlic leaves.

Add: You can take smart fish meatballs that are already mixed with ingredients, then fry them in slices and then lock them in Chinese style. Vietnam.

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