How to Traditional fish stew Fish Snak Soup Khmer Housewife - Foxvdo




How to Traditional fish stew Fish Snak Soup Khmer Housewife



Hello all my beloved visitors, I am Cooking would love to show you about my technique cooking in my Country, Cambodia. if all of you want to see more new technique cooking food please Share on my Website, comment, LIKE and you can request me to cook some food that like in the comment below.

Welcome Khmer Housewife This is a Khmer fanatic in this Website, I want to show you a delicious Khmer dishes! Get away from foreign cuisine and know how to combine ingredients, how to mix things and how to do it. 

៙ Ingredients:

1-Reddy powder or Bicheng flour 1 teaspoon

2- 1 teaspoon sugar

3- 1/2 teaspoon salt

4- 1 tablespoon fish sauce

5-Garlic 1 tuber

6-1 kg of fish

7- 2 garlic cloves

8- 2 stems of lemon leaves

9- 5 orange leaves

10- 2 pieces of rumdeng

11- 3 fresh peppers

12- Chirvan Suy and Neang Vong

13- 2 tablespoons rice

៙ How to do:

1. Roasted fish is washed, washed with water and cut into small pieces. We can use an obsolete toothbrush to remove the blood from the fish bones to reduce the stickiness of the fish. .

2- Wash the stems of lemon leaves, orange leaves, rhubarb, parsley, peppermint, garlic and fresh peppers in a bowl.

Peel a squash, grate it and put it in a bowl.

៙ How to cook:

1. Put 0.5 liters of water into the pot, put the rhubarb (crack to break), put the root of lemon leaves, garlic, rice, orange leaves to boil.

2- Put the fish in and let it boil.

3. Add fish sauce, salt, rhododendron or bicheng powder, sugar and leave to boil.

4- Taste according to the desired taste (we can make more pickles).

5. Remove to a plate for eating.


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